
Grading Policy


 A student’s academic performance is assessed in a variety of ways including tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, group work, and class participation. In addition to the aforementioned criteria, teachers are asked to evaluate a student’s life skills. These skills include respect for others, responsibility, and other necessary attributes needed by people in everyday life. The degree to which each of these, or any other assessment, figure into the final grade is determined by the teacher. Although some of the criteria listed below may not be applicable to every assessment, student work is measured by the following: 


Basic Standards

  • Work meets the basic course requirements set by the teacher.  
  • Work is complete and turned in on time.  
  • Work is the student’s own and has not been copied or plagiarized. 

Additional Standards

  • Work displays a high degree of accuracy.  
  • Work demonstrates that the student understands the concepts and how to apply them.
  • Work is displayed in group assignments and class discussions frequently and positively contributes to the learning environment of the classroom. 

The final grade for a course is expressed in letter grades:

F - The student has not met basic course requirements and/or has not completed all coursework.  

D - The student has met basic requirements and has completed all coursework. 

C - The student has met basic requirements and, occasionally, some of the additional standards. 

B - The student has met basic requirements and, frequently, some of the additional standards. 

A - The student has met basic requirements and, consistently, some of the additional standards. 

Grading Scale 

The following grading scale has been approved by the Carlinville Board of Education and is used in every Carlinville High School classroom.

A 94-100

A- 92-93

B+ 90-91

B 84-89

B- 82-83

C+ 80-81

C 73-79

C- 71-72

D+ 69-70

D 66-68

D- 65

F 0-64

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