Mission Statement
Carlinville CUSD#1 will provide a comprehensive educational program for all students in a safe environment supporting and inspiring learners of today while fostering global leaders of tomorrow.
Carlinville CUSD#1 District Goals
Goal 1: Curriculum/Program/Student Success
Carlinville CUSD#1 will provide educational opportunities for PreK-12+ that support academic excellence fosters problem-solving, addresses individual needs, maximizes social and emotional growth and develops global citizenship.
Objective 1.1: Whole Child Development
- Indicator 1.1: Expansion of Social Emotional Supports
Objective 1.2: Expand Curricular Opportunities
- Indicator 1.2: AP, electives, career and technical, work experience, extracurricular, and mobile learning
Goal 2: Personnel/Staff
Carlinville CUSD#1 will recruit, hire, retain and support highly qualified faculty and staff that will serve students in a positive and professional manner.
Objective 2.1: Provide Professional Development for Staff
Objective 2.2: Create Collaborative Working and Learning Environment
Objective 2.3: Establish Social Emotional Support Mechanisms for Staff and Students
Objective 2.4: Allocate Resources/Funds for Salaries and Support Services

Goal 3: Communication -Internal/External
Carlinville CUSD#1 will utilize various communication tools to communicate and foster strong partnerships with all internal and external stakeholders.
Objective 3.1: Improve Communication among the Community by utilizing various methods of Communication
- Indicator 3.1: Create a Public Relations Position within the District
Indicator 3.1.1: Utilize Social Media, Surveys, website, newspaper, and community meetings
Objective 3.2: Improve Internal Communication: grade level, department, transition, and chain of command
- Indicator 3.2: Create open, transparent and timely communication throughout all grade levels

Goal 4: Facilities/Operations Services
Goal 4: Facilities/Operations Services
Carlinville CUSD#1 will maintain facilities and operational services that provide a safe environment, allow equitable access, and support student, program and staff success.
Objective 4.1: Maintain safe and clean facilities that comply with Health, Life, and Safety requirements.
Objective 4.2: Providing educational technology, resources, furniture, tools, etc. (capital outlay) to meet
educational needs.
Goal 5: Finances
Carlinville CUSD #1 will seek and secure adequate resources to support quality programming
for all students.
Objective 5.1: Continuous engagement with the community to secure revenue streams through